Friday, May 8, 2009

Introduction- Mr. Looney

Hello all,

I am happy to see some of you have already taken advantage of what I believe will be the key to a successful year in the yearbook/journalism class, the class blog. As you are all aware the change of teachers/advisors for the yearbook will be different for this coming year. Ms. Vaughn and myself are very excited about taking on this new endeavor. As we are aware, the yearbook and newspaper are a big undertaking. The two of us have worked in industry for many years prior to teaching and are looking forward to venturing back into a business endeavor. Our experiences have brought us to a mutual understanding of business that goes far beyond what can possibly be taught in the classroom. We have worked with many people throughout the years and feel we have a better than usual understanding of what components make up a successful business. We feel that the opportunity to work with a group of students in a real life project where expenses exceed $20,000 is one of the most valuable endeavors we could take on.

The yearbook and newspaper are the communication staples for most school districts. Students are able to share information while educating others. Students are able to create the one and only yearbook that will represent a period of time in so many lives. It is a huge responsibilty. It's not last minute. It's not a homework assignment that you can do the day prior to the deadline. It is your "Legacy". It should represent the year it was made. It should have writing that brings you back to a time and place when you are fifty years old with your spouse and kids. It should be a reminder of what you had and what you did. The newspaper can be as big and as professional as you would like to make it. The Mashpee community wants to see you succeed. Make it better than than the most award winning school in the state. Why not? Think about it, if you publish the best newspaper in the state....think of how that would look on your resume. Writer....Mashpee Ledger....Gold winner State of Massachusetts. I ask again .....why not, you will be the one who benefits. Many of you can write well and with the help of Ms. Vaughn many of you will write even better. I expect to enter our publications into state wide competitions. We need a team of individuals who are as committed as we are. This is unlike any other class, you can produce things that can be recognized nationally. Let's put Mashpee on the map!

I expect this class to be comprised of a group of young professionals, students who are committed to stretch the limit. The most successful businesses succeed through teamwork. We will be a well oiled machine with much enthusiasm. I know some of you are thinking.....Mr. Looney may be expecting too much. The only thing I have to say to you is that my life experiences have made me realize two things; "life is one big game of golf", which I will explain in class and everything you do in life is a choice made by you.

Lastly, I was the yearbook advisor for Quincy High school for three years when I had taught there and worked closely with Josten's. I have also been teaching Graphic Communications for the past 13 years. The collaboration between Ms. Vaughn and myself leads to a a tremendous opportunity for all of our students.

We look forward to working with each and every one of you this and next year.

Thanks, Mr. Looney

1 comment:

  1. I would love to attend the workshop/weekend over the summertime with the two advisers. After hearing a little bit about it, it seems very interesting and something that would really benefit us. Seems like it would be a fun learning experience too!
