Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fundraising Ideas?

Fundraising should be a fun team effort. Everyone in the class is responsible and those that work the hardest should be rewarded. What are your thoughts? Ms. Vaughn is looking forward to your innovative ideas and enthusiasm.


  1. The majority of our funds generally come from Ads that are put in the last 20 or so pagges of the yearbook, which come from businesses, or personal ads from the students. This has always worked well as a great source of income for the book, provided the people in the class solicit for ads. To supplement this, we also did various fund raisers, such as flower bulbs, cookie dough/pizza, dodgeball, and a car wash (which is this saturday from 10-2 so all of you should come!). We also get a decent amount of money from the sale of the books themselves. Candy/Candy Bars are a good way to raise money as well, because who can resist candy? The only problem I forsee is the schools health policy not allowing that. Theres also scratchcards for fundraising, which you can win things from the movie theaters, pizza hut, and other places. Selling cards might be a good idea, especially around the holidays, or maybe something school-spirit related.

  2. Kelsey- Is the car wash advertised on Channel 22/ Mashpee Enterprise? This is a resource we should be taking full advantage of. Mr. Looney

  3. we put posters up around town, but unfortunately we had to cancel because of the weather. hopefully we will reschedule!

  4. we had a bake sale around christmas time and we made some money from that. i was think though if we have it at roche brothers and stop and shop we will get more money comming in. we only had it at stop and shop and all you need to do is have eople take shifts so tehy are not out in teh cold the whole time.

  5. Elected officials like to take out ad space

  6. That's perfect!

    Also, what does everyone think about baby ads in the yearbook? I've seen that done before, not really sure though. You would have the parents do them. We could always just offer them as an add-on to the ads that parents buy for the kids, for an extra fee.
